Thursday, August 12, 2010

Single Cooking

Celiacs is treating me well!  I feel amazing.  I had some fears about traveling and staying at people's homes.  So far, my fears have been silly and I really can't imagine that I was ever worried.

About two weeks ago, I traveled to San Fransisco for a friend's wedding.  The snacks on the plane weren't safe for me, so on my lay over I headed to a made to order burger joint.  I ate a burger with no bun and fries.  Unfortunately, the fries were contaminated with something and mid flight I realized I had been glutened, WHOOPS.

Winery with Friends before the wedding, Russian River Valley.
Cocktails before Dinner.  Beautiful.

At her BEAUTIFUL wedding, the ordure's during cocktail hour looked amazing.  I couldn't have any of it, and I really hadn't planned for that.  Instead, I ended up drinking another glass of wine.  Dinner was great, it was gluten free and amazing.  Unfortunately, the desert was not friendly for me.  Each table had a different cake and people were so excited.  I couldn't have it, so I had another glass of can tell how the night ended up.  I was so glad to be part of such a wonderful event.  Really, to witness two people that in love was so special. 

I had a follow up appointment with my Doctor before I left for my adventures.  She advised me that I start taking fish oil, to combat the higher fat diet I may eat to compensate for avoiding some lower fat foods that they sneak gluten in.  I was also told to either incorporate more fiber, or use flax seed on foods.  I think the most healthy option is to cook at home.  And really it hasn't been that difficult (although the breakup with all those Delicious things)  Here is the latest,

I cooked two chicken breasts on Monday.  I used an Italian dressing for a marinade.  I just baked it at 350 checking ever so often to see if it was done.  I then cooked my rice with half chicken broth and water to boil in.  I then, boiled some water and chicken broth to cook some spinach. 

I am a new fan of spinach, it is great it salads, great cooked and I've even snuck it into eggs this week.  So far the fresh has kept much better than I had expected, I have bought the kind in the bag and have been pleased with it.  Cooking the spinach in chicken broth off set it's bite that cooked stuff normally has.  Overall the meal was filling, and hey Doc, low fat.

As for the job search, that's another story.  Any suggestions?

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