Saturday, August 28, 2010


This week has been a tough one, for many reasons that my close friends know well.  There has been so much that I have wanted to say, but as I sit and type my humor is not flowing through my fingers.  So this is going to be my shakespear inspired blog this week.  Little did you know, I'm a fan.  Mostly because my teachers along the way forced me to be.  But now, I guess  I'm well read.

All that glitters is not gold- The merchant of Venice
There have been many instances that I have had the option to pick the more appealing route, or the easier one.  Of cource looking back a later, it wasn't really worth it.  I passed up a job offer last week because I knew in the end, it just wasn't going to be gold.  Divine intervention put me where I needed to be.

What a piece of work is a man...-Hamlet
 We inspire, dream, wish, and hope.  Doctor's practice medicine, meaning they haven't gotten it right yet.  Celiac's disease!  Wowza.  You thought this magnificent piece of work would be able to take a bit of wheat...nope.  And now I'm bedside with someone who has no definitive diagnosis.  What a wonderous piece of work "man" is. 

Such stuff as dreams are made on- The Tempest
I have always been a glass half full kind of girl.  Sometimes bordering on a dreamer.  Never would I believe something bad would happen, nor do I look at the end of things.  Even in personality I like the parts of projects, the workings of them.  I don't really see the end, more wrapped up in details ( you should see me cook, I'm a mess).  But often times you get at the end and wonder just how you got there.  I think sometimes life is like that.  More so, looking at this new food I have embarked upon I must say, thank you to the companies for making such Delicious food.  Here's where I start to ramble...

Because of the busy week I've been forced to look for on the go gluten free food.  Here's what I've got...

Okay, both of these items I picked up in a rush.  Don't worry, I did not starve because of my busy life, nor did I go to the dark side and gluten myself.  As of now I don't think I am so sensitive to not eat food off a plate that also has wheat products.  I was able to eat trays of food, and pick around.  And then, there is always the stand by: They have hilarious jokes, and they are naturally gluten free (okay they're full of not natural things).  I love laffy taffy so much, that I would make it my romeo if I could. 

Squeeze those close to you.   Thank God for all you have because one day you may wake up, and things will never go back to the way it was.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Things I have loved and lost

In my life there have been many loves; pizza, baklava, doughnuts, Twinkies, and dumplings just to  name a few.  The day that I found out I have Celiac Spur was the day I parted ways with some of my most beloved.

I was out a few nights ago at our local Kelly's and I could smell Joe's pizza in the back taunting me with all his cheese.  I was with a few others who had hear its calling.  So I encouraged them to get some pizza, and I picked the toppings off.  I have not been brave enough to go to a gluten free pizza shop, yet.

So, I'm working part time some odd hours, 3 pm to 11 pm.  Last night I realized I needed to pick up some groceries.  So at midnight I found myself at Sunfresh, which I ran into some booze smelling friends out for some homemade munchies.  When I was unloading my few bags I thought back to my love, pizza.  We had fond memories together, Pizza was there for me during college and had also attended most of my social events growing up. 

I remembered that I had gone on a gluten free shopping spree just a few days after I was diagnosed (more dangerous to your pocket book then being let loose in the coach outlet store).  I had picked up a dough mix.  That all brought me to the realization I had all the makings for a pizza!

So I got chebes dough mix out and gave her a whirl.  I followed the directions closely, because this was uncharted territory.  They have you mix things in a tablespoon at a time.  So two tablespoons of oil, four of milk and two eggs later I had what almost looked like normal dough.  I did have to work with it a bit.  As you can see some the picture it was rather lumpy. 

Sorry it's sideways, my tech person was out this morning and couldn't fix it...

I used this arrowroot flour to knead the dough with.  The directions didn't say to, but I don't know who they thought could knead all those lumps.  Side note, I do not own a rolling pen and after further investigation, I'm not sure where I would put one.  In later entries I may take pictures of my sheik galley kitchen (aka no space kitchen).

I used toppings I already had (recognize the spinach I ranted about before)!  So it ended up being just a tomato, cheese and spinach pizza.  It baked pretty well in the oven with the usual suspects of problems in cooking dough involve, getting it cooked in the middle.

So this is what it looks like after!  I only used a portion of the dough I made up and froze the rest for a later enjoyment.  This is about one third of the dough from the package.

I forgot to show you a picture of the package in case you are looking for it in stores!  This is what it looks like. 
One thing I was a little disappointed with was the rate at which the dough rose.  I'm a big believer that crust is just a vehicle to get toppings in your mouth.  This seemed more bread like.  Although it was absolutely wonderful.  It's not all about what you loved and lost, but what great things that will come along and make you feel good while you enjoy its company.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Single Cooking

Celiacs is treating me well!  I feel amazing.  I had some fears about traveling and staying at people's homes.  So far, my fears have been silly and I really can't imagine that I was ever worried.

About two weeks ago, I traveled to San Fransisco for a friend's wedding.  The snacks on the plane weren't safe for me, so on my lay over I headed to a made to order burger joint.  I ate a burger with no bun and fries.  Unfortunately, the fries were contaminated with something and mid flight I realized I had been glutened, WHOOPS.

Winery with Friends before the wedding, Russian River Valley.
Cocktails before Dinner.  Beautiful.

At her BEAUTIFUL wedding, the ordure's during cocktail hour looked amazing.  I couldn't have any of it, and I really hadn't planned for that.  Instead, I ended up drinking another glass of wine.  Dinner was great, it was gluten free and amazing.  Unfortunately, the desert was not friendly for me.  Each table had a different cake and people were so excited.  I couldn't have it, so I had another glass of can tell how the night ended up.  I was so glad to be part of such a wonderful event.  Really, to witness two people that in love was so special. 

I had a follow up appointment with my Doctor before I left for my adventures.  She advised me that I start taking fish oil, to combat the higher fat diet I may eat to compensate for avoiding some lower fat foods that they sneak gluten in.  I was also told to either incorporate more fiber, or use flax seed on foods.  I think the most healthy option is to cook at home.  And really it hasn't been that difficult (although the breakup with all those Delicious things)  Here is the latest,

I cooked two chicken breasts on Monday.  I used an Italian dressing for a marinade.  I just baked it at 350 checking ever so often to see if it was done.  I then cooked my rice with half chicken broth and water to boil in.  I then, boiled some water and chicken broth to cook some spinach. 

I am a new fan of spinach, it is great it salads, great cooked and I've even snuck it into eggs this week.  So far the fresh has kept much better than I had expected, I have bought the kind in the bag and have been pleased with it.  Cooking the spinach in chicken broth off set it's bite that cooked stuff normally has.  Overall the meal was filling, and hey Doc, low fat.

As for the job search, that's another story.  Any suggestions?